CenTral Consulting operates primarily in the lower half of the North Island from Wellington to New Plymouth, Taupo, and Gisborne.
Specialising in 'one-on-one' and small group consultation and mentoring
in the areas of personal development, strategic planning, time management,
we also bring communication skills for congregations, small business and volunteer organisations.
'One-on-one' and small groups provide for more personalised support and action-reflection. On-going mentoring is easy by email, video call, or personal visit.

The aim is to build skills in
- strategic planning,
- time management,
- delegation,
- and professional writing
- Personality Type theory and application
- Organisational development
- Governance and management in small business and NGO's
- Board and Local Body membership
- Tourism
Find Focus
If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.
Individuals and groups need to take time out to identify where they want to go so they can decide on an effective way to reach their goals.
Small group process and strategic planning are areas in which I am well versed.
CAIRA-trained supervisors are a church-based affordable option, recognised by the Anglican and Presbyterian churches in New Zealand, for both ordained and lay leaders.
I am licensed to provide supervision in the CAIRA method.
If you are providing supervision but have no specific training, ask about the one-year Certificate course that will provide the theory to underpin your practice.
For more details visit the CAIRA website: caira.org.nz
Develop Leaders
The most effective way to develop leaders is to give potential leaders the opportunity to lead. This can be done in non-threatening stages suited to individual potential and passion. A useful process can be:
they watch you lead / you lead together / they lead while you watch
If you are a Presbyterian minister serving in a congregation or chaplaincy you are required by the General Assembly to hold a Certificate of Good Standing, which remains valid for a period of 3 years. You also need a Ministry Development Plan.
It is important to note that this is a development review to assist you in improving and developing your ministry. It is not marking you against a pre-determined scale, nor comparing you with anyone else. The report is private to you and shared only with whom you choose. It is normal practise to share the report, and in particular any development goals, with your pastoral supervisor in order to monitor progress over the next three years.
See the PCANZ website for more details.
Build Teams
Three key ingredients in an effective team are loyalty to the team, recognition of individual strengths, and respectful honesty among team members.
An understanding of personality type in a group setting is a significant strength in building these key values, both for individuals and groups.
Personality Unplugged (for groups)
This 3 - 4 session course will give you and the other participants the opportunity to discover your personality type then through presentations, discussions and exercises you will:
Explore ...
different ways of being in the world and organising your life:
~relationships and personality
~group behaviour and personality
~career choices and personality
~parenting and personality
Discover ...
how to maximise your personality strengths
how to work with difference
how to get the most out of your leadership team
Receive ...
a comprehensive workbook with a summary of the presentation and detailed worksheets in which to record your own reflections & comments

The Personality Puzzle
is a 'best fit ' alternative to the usual questionnaire - a fun way to explore the important aspects of you personality with a high decree of accuracy. You be the judge!